Stat 155: Game Theory, Spring 2013 -- Section Information

Basic info

Instructor: Elchanan Mossel
Lecture time and location: MW 6:30 - 8 pm, 213 Wheeler
Office hours: M 11:10 - 13:00, 401 Evans
Course homepage: here.
This is where you will find all important information about the course, including the grading policy.
Questions and discussion: see Piazza.

GSI: Miki Racz
Section times and location: Th 4:10 - 5:00 pm, Th 5:10 - 6:00 pm, 332 Evans
Office hours: Tu 9:10 - 11:00 am, Th 9:10 - 11:00 am, 307 Evans -- starting the week of Jan 28

Email: s155 at
Email policy: For general interest questions, please post to Piazza.
This facilitates quick and efficient communication with the whole class.
Only email us if your question is personal and not suitable for class discussion.
We will respond within a week.

Section info and policies

Main purpose: We will work on practice problems and also play some actual games,
in order to familiarize ourselves with the topics and concepts learned during lectures.

Attendance and participation:
Attendance is not required but strongly recommended.
If you do come to discussion section, please engage in the class
and do not do other things, as this distracts other students.
In particular, cell phones and laptops are not permitted.

Grading: No part of the discussion section affects your grade.
For full information about grading, see the course homepage.

HW policy:
I will not help (neither in section nor in office hours) with HW before its due date.
I am very happy to discuss HW after its due date; if you would like to do so,
please come to office hours, as time in section is limited.
For further info regarding HW (including regrading and collaboration policies),
please see the course homepage.

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